
Saturday 8 March 2008

Internet Marketing Tips - Making Choices - Multi Planning

By Steven Wagenheim
You're confronted with having to make a choice regarding your marketing efforts. Do you go with plan A or plan B? You do the research on both and you find, much to your chagrin, that the views on each plan are split right down the middle. Some marketers say plan A is great and plan B stinks and visa versa. What the heck do you do when you're confronted with such conflicting information? Well, in this first of a series of articles, I'm going to touch on one of the options available to you that I call multi planning. It is certainly one viable option.

Okay, so just what is multi planning? Well, simplistically, it's using more than one plan, or in this case, using plan A and plan B. Now, if you're wondering how that's even possible, let me give you a perfect example of what I'm talking about and that way you can see how multi planning is a perfectly viable option provided that you follow the guidelines I will be giving you.

Let's say that plan A is a marketing plan that requires no outlay of cash but a lot of time spent manually doing various tasks and plan B is the opposite...not very time intensive but costly in terms of dollars and cents. You've researched the benefits and drawbacks of each and neither appears to be a slam dunk. So why not do this? Instead of choosing between the two, why not test out both of them in a limited test and see which one outperforms the other?

For example, let's say that plan A is to do nothing but article writing to promote your business. Normally, you'd have to write many articles daily to get any momentum going. But you don't want to put in all that time and find out that it doesn't work for your niche. Conversely, plan B is using pay per click advertising, which can be very costly if you go all out. Why not do this? Just write a few articles and put a small amount of money into your pay per click campaign. If both work, then you can choose to either use both or go with the one that you feel more comfortable with, whether it be spending time of money. If one doesn't work, simply get rid of it.

Multi planning is a great way to determine what the best course of action is without committing yourself to either plan exclusively right off the bat.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

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