
Saturday 8 March 2008

Internet Marketing Tips - 3 Keys Before You Market

By Steven Wagenheim
Everybody is in such a rush to get their ads out there on the marketplace, whether it be in the form of pay per click, articles, solo ezines, web 2.0 or whatever. And yet, they fail to do three basic things before they even dive into the water, the consequences of which could be disastrous to say the least. And the sad part is, most marketers don't even think of doing these three things. Well, in this article, I'm going to reveal the three things that if you DON'T do them before you write one ad for your product or service, will lead to certain disaster. I suggest you keep reading to find out what they are.

The first, and maybe even the most important, is keyword research. I mean do you even know if anybody is looking for what you're selling? Think about it. If you came out with an ebook that explained how to do underwater pole vaulting, do you REALLY think anybody would buy it? If you went to Wordtracker, or the keyword tool of your choice, how many daily searches do you think you would find for that phrase? I can almost guarantee you that you won't find many at all. So the first key is to make sure you're selling something that other people actually want.

The second key is checking out the competition. Let's for argument sake say that the product you're selling is in demand. Okay, that's great, but it's only half of the equation. See, competition is critical to success. If you're going up against millions of sites online that are selling the same type of product or offering the same type of service, you're going to have a rough time breaking into the marketplace. Ideally, you want to choose a niche where you're not fighting against the whole world. And sadly, so many people just jump into something without giving this a moment's thought. That is just plain suicide.

And finally there is your ad writing skills in general. Do you REALLY think you can just slap any old ad together and it'll be fine? Writing an ad is an art and it's something that, if you can't already do it well, you better learn in a hurry. If your ad doesn't capture the prospect's attention, you're not going to make the sale, no matter how much demand there is for your product and no matter how little competition there is. If you can't communicate effectively, you're dead in the water.

Demand, competition and writing skills. These are the three keys before you even begin to market your product that you better have down stone cold.

To YOUR Success,

Steven Wagenheim

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