
Friday 22 February 2008

98% of Internet Marketers Fail in Their Network Marketing!

Did You Know That 98% of Internet Marketers Fail in Their Network Marketing?
by Martin Dekker
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Why do they fail?

There are two main reasons they fail.

1. They think it is a get-rich-quick scheme; and once they realize they are not making any M.o.n.e.y after their first month, they quit and jump to the next program that's out there--a very expensive thing to do.

2. They spend all their savings on the wrong kind of advertising and end up broke before they start earning an income. (Purchasing leads)

Once you realize that network marketing is a long-term investment plan to become financially successful, the better off you will be.

Look at it this way. If you opened up a corner store in your hometown, would you really believe you could start making a profit in your first month of business? No, of course not. Well network marketing is no different. The worse thing to do is to quit before you have even started, and by that I mean you need to give it at least 6 months to a year before you start seeing great results! If you're not up to giving it that much time, then please for your own sake don't bother even trying.

Network marketing is a highly lucrative business and will give you financial freedom! But you need to give it time to grow!

Okay, so now we have established that you have to be prepared to give network marketing at least 6 to 12 months time. How are you going to do that and how are you able to sustain the cost involved in advertising your business and your monthly fees associated with it?

This is the problem that most of us get stuck with and quit! We end up realizing it's costing us too much before we have even made anything out of our business and have no option but to stop.

There is a solution to this though. What if I told you a secret that every top 2% of marketers use to fund their advertising cost and at the same time bring in endless amounts of targeted traffic to their internet business.

If you can make a lucrative income of your advertising and create enough interest in your internet business, you're not only self-funding your advertising but you are also earning and creating a flow of traffic to your main internet business for life. And it's all automated!

That is the only way to sustain your income to cover your advertising cost and then within 6 to 12 months time you will have an exploding network marketing business to be proud of. I guarantee you!

Keywords: network marketing,competition,mlm,mlm leads,homebased business,home business opportunities,home business,

About the Author
Martin Dekker,
More Details about home based business network marketing here. Get Your Free Self Funding advertising System Here! Network Marketing Without The Competition!

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