
Monday, 7 July 2008

What Is Bum Marketing?

What Is Bum Marketing?
Bum marketing is known as article marketing. It is a great way to promote a website or product for free by publishing articles on the Internet. You can submit your original articles to various article and article directory websites.

Getting targeted visitors is very hard and it is essential to Internet marketing. Bum marketing is a great way to get free targeted traffic to your website. You can do this by submitting your articles to the various article websites but there are some key notes you should know before doing submitting an article.

Pick The Right Keywords!
If you don't have the proper keywords, your potential buyers wont be able to find your article. They will never read it and never know about you. So picking the correct keywords is important. Good keywords will also get you listed on search engine results so people can see your article when the use Google or any other search engine.

Find Great Affiliate Programs Or Products That Match Your Keywords
There are 3 ways to make money of bum marketing. a) You can sell your own products or services. b) You can sell affiliate products. c) Place ads on your website and generate revenue from clicks

Writing Your Article
First and foremost, your article must be completely original and cannot be a copy of someone else's work. This is called plagiarism and it is illegal and most article directories will not list your article if it's found to be a duplicate or someone else's work. Your article should be between 350 - 750 words. This is an optimal length. You should place your keywords within the article. I recommend having no more than 4% of your article made up of your keywords. If it's more, search engines will consider this keyword bombing and not index your articles. The article must appeal to the reader. The reader must feel that there is value in it and it sparks interest in them to visit your website. If your article is good, people will download it and will generate traffic for you.

The Author Box
This is usually done at the end of your article. You don't reveal personal information but simply add "If you would like more information..." and well, I assume you can figure out what goes after that!

Proofread your article. Make sure it is free of spelling mistakes and most importantly, that it is free of grammar mistakes. If you don't have proper grammar, people will lose their logic in reading it and it will cause confusion. The people will stop reading your article and jump to the next article.

Submit Your Article
Now you are ready to submit your article. There are auto submitters that can do the work for you. However, this can get you banned from many article directories since many have added forms of detecting auto submitters and consider it as spam. So they automatically ban someone using an auto submitter. You should start out by submitting 1 article a day, you can increase this number by up to 5 a day and then eventually you can submit to 50 article directories, a day.

Market Saturation
Saturate the market with your articles! You are in it to get known. You have to continuously write articles and refresh the content that you provide. Bum marketing is not for lazy people. It is a proven method that can work wonders. With free marketing, you have to do the work. If you don't want to do the work, then bum marketing is not for you.

About the Author

My name is Oscar Orihuela and I have been doing Internet marketing for several years. For free Internet marketing advice, visit EasyMarketingForum.com

Source: Article Devil internet marketing articles

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